- Owned Fanlistings
- List of fanlitings I currently own & run.
- Pending Fanlistings
- List of fanlistings I have applied for and awaiting response.
- Joined Fanlistings
- List of fanlistings that I have joined.
- Rejected Fanlistings
- List of fanlistings I have been rejected for.
- Closed Fanlistings
- List of fanlistings I have closed or adopted out.
- Wishlist
- List of fanlistings I would love to own.
- Granted Wishlisters
- List of wishlister fanlistings that I got approved for or adopted.
- KIM List
- List of people that want to be kept in mind if I decide to get rid of my fanlistings.
No copyright infringement intended!
Any and all infos here are mine and not yours. Images used here are not mine. Graphics here are mine.
I do not know or know how to contact any, in whole or part, celebrities here within this site. So don't ask.